UNH Events Calendar

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The UNH Events Calendar is UNH’s main resource for event information. Schools, departments, offices, and student organizations post events happening at UNH to the Events Calendar. Posted events may be open to the general public, or they may be private events for UNH faculty, staff, students, and/or alumni. Items published on the Events Calendar may appear on school, department, office, and organization calendars throughout the UNH websites, as well as on the UNH Mobile App. The Events Calendar is the official source for the UNH academic year schedule including start and end of semesters, breaks, registration deadlines, and the like.

The calendar software also provides RSS feeds and subscription functions that allow individuals to integrate the UNH calendar items into their own personal calendaring software or get email notifications when events are added or changed.

To view the UNH Events Calendar, visit calendar.unh.edu.

For additional information about the UNH Events Calendar, including how to request an account and post an event, visit the Digital Communication site.

To explore self-help and additional information please click here: https://td.usnh.edu/TDClient/KB/?CategoryID=153

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Service ID: 360
Tue 9/11/18 9:16 AM
Mon 11/27/23 4:46 PM
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University of New Hampshire (UNH)