EAB Navigate360: Finding a Student's Progress Report


EAB Navigate will be the application where Progress Reports originate.   This article will provide information for students on how to access a completed progress report within Navigate to confirm if their performance is below average in the course and any reasons or comments provided by the instructor.  These will take place approximately weeks 4-6 of the term. 

If a student is below average they will receive a notification from the system.   NOTE: that the email will come from "Grades First" and will have a subject titled:  [Notification] You have a notification.  If a student is not below average, no notification will be received to confirm completion of the progress report.



To review a completed progress report:

  1. Log into Navigate - Use your standard credentials
  2. Navigate to the Reports at the top of the page

  1. Reports will be listed in chronological order from most recent to oldest.  Each report will be listed on a separate line and will show the following information:
  • Date submitted
  • The class (course)
  • Professor (faculty)
  • Comments: these are added by the faculty that filled out the report
  • Student performance below average? - "Yes" or "No"
  • Alert/Referral Reasons - if "Student performance below average" indicator is "Yes", the reason(s) for the performance are listed here.
  • Details - this contains a link you can click on to see further information in this report
  1. Click on View Report to open the report
  • Student performance below average? - If the instructor marked you below average in this course this will be "Yes", if you are not below average, this will be "No"
  • Required for Students with below average performance - Reason(s) for Alert/referral - if you are marked below average = Yes, reason(s) will be visible here.  List of possible reasons.
  • Optional:  Number of Absences - This field will be blank
  • Optional: Grade - Based on grade(s) from any assessment(s) at the time of the progress report can be entered here
  • Optional: Comments - Comments provided from your instructor on the concern


Users should be able to access a completed progress report within Navigate to confirm if their performance is below average in the course and any reasons or comments provided by the instructor. 

Further reading:

List of possible reasons.

Need additional help?

Please contact your Academic Advisor or the instructor that marked you "Below Average" or find additional resources here: Student Academic Resources for Assistance, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.


Article ID: 4206
Wed 9/22/21 2:15 PM
Thu 3/7/24 10:26 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)