Zoom: Integration with Canvas (myCourses)

Task: This article is about using a Zoom tool built into Canvas. Zoom is a video conferencing software that allows for real-time video and audio communication in events such as meetings, lectures, webinars, and training sessions.


It is quite straight forward to build Zoom sessions and send out invitations but faculty are encouraged to use the Zoom tool within Canvas for Zoom class events. By default the tool is enabled in every course but if it is not found in your course menu, please follow the first steps below to enable it. 

   Enable Zoom in Canvas 

  1. Enter the course you would like to update
  2. Click on Settings at the bottom of the course menu
  3. Click on the Navigation settings tab at the top of the settings screen.  In the Navigation area, you will see 2 tables, the top table lists the course menu links that are available to the students, the bottom table are the course menu links that are unavailable.  
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the unavailable items to find Zoom
  5. Click on the three dots to the right of the item and select Enable
  6. Scroll back to the bottom of the page and click on Save
  7. Zoom will now be available in the course menu to all course participants

 Schedule a meeting

  1. Click Zoom in the course menu
  2. Click Schedule a Meeting (top right)
  3. Enter Meeting Details - Key items to include/update are listed below
    1. Topic - Defaults to class name.  If you have one for office hours and one for class meetings you would want to label appropriately
    2. Recurring Meeting - Enable to use this same link for al class meetings
    3. Recurrence - Defaults to Daily, update to No Fixed Time for maximum flexibility to have the meeting available at all times
    4. Audio - Leave as Both to allow participants to join via web or a dial-in phone number
    5. Enable Join Before Host - Enable so participants can easily test their connection and audio/video before meeting starts
    6. Mute participants on entry - Enable to eliminate background noise as participants all gather in the meeting.  They can unmute themselves at any point
    7. Record the Meeting Automatically - Enable to create a recording in Kaltura that can be posted in your course.  Be sure In the Cloud is selected
    8. Save

Zoom Meetings integrate with Canvas Calendar

  1. Zoom meetings with a date and time will appears as a link in the Canvas course calendar.   A calendar Event will also appear on the course Syllabus page, and on the Coming Up list on the Canvas Dashboard.
  2. For students using the List View option in the Dashboard, Zoom meetings will appear in their activity feed.  Faculty and TAs do not see the Zoom meeting Event in their List View.

Importing an already scheduled meeting

  1. Click Zoom in the course menu
  2. Click the  (top right).
  3. Click Import Meeting.
  4. Input the Meeting ID.
    1. If you don’t know your meeting ID click cancel, then click All My Zoom Meetings/Recordings to see your list of meetings.


  • You can not edit just one meeting in a set of saved recurring meetings (If needed-- you may have to delete the set and start over)
  • Recordings found in Zoom's cloud are just for back up and expire after 20 days old. Videos less than 20 days old will be moved to the trash when they hit the twenty-day mark 
  • Videos in the trash can be recovered up to 30 days later 
  • Please use and share the session copy found in your Kaltura MyMedia account instead of from the Zoom cloud
  • The Zoom tool will not show up in the student's course menu until a session has been saved (students do not have permissions to build new events in Canvas)
  • Only the meeting creator can delete a meeting that has been created using the Zoom for Canvas tool.


Users should be able to create zoom meetings and attach them to their canvas (myCourses) page.

Further reading:

Overview of Zoom

Zoom: An Overview of this Video Conferencing Software

Need additional help?

Please fill out the Zoom Web Conferencing help form with as much detail as possible​​​​​​.

Please use this link to the Technology Help Desk to locate your local campus contact information.  Use the “Submit a Question” for your campus to enter an online support request.  

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Article ID: 740
Fri 7/19/19 5:34 PM
Thu 3/7/24 9:34 AM
Applicable Institution(s):
Keene State College (KSC)
Plymouth State University (PSU)
University of New Hampshire (UNH)

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