UNH myElements - An Overview

Task: This article highlights the basics of myElements which include what it is, where and how to log in, and how to get help. It also includes a quick start guide on using the application and links to more detailed instructions.


What is myElements?

myElements is a research information system. It can automatically collect information related to research and scholarship using open data sources and licensed library databases. myElements also connects to other UNH systems to collect personnel, grants, and teaching information. myElements is the replacement to the Digital Measures Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) system. These tools are meant to store data that you can use to generate the assessment report. They are not, however, capable of storing the reports themselves. myElements is also used to view and capture important profile information that will be fed to to findscholars and the faculty profiles on the college websites.

For information about the myElements migration and implementation project visit https://www.unh.edu/myelements

User Access

Faculty members including full time and lecturers will get an account automatically. If you are a chair of a department or a college level reviewer you will also have an account automatically. These roles are generated through Banner HR. If you are unable to access the application with your UNH credentials and need access please request an account through the Accounts Management System at accounts.unh.edu .

Logging in to myElements

Navigate to https://myelements.unh.edu and log in with your USNH username and password.

NOTE: Firefox and Chrome are the recommended browsers. Slowness may occur with the other browsers.

Your Profile

myElements allows you to view certain information that is fed from outside data sources. This information includes Name, Title, Affiliation, Location and Education. Although you cannot update this information from within myElements it allows you to check for accuracy. Changes to these items can be made through HR.

Other items within your profile that can be updated and will display on findscholars and your faculty profile on the college website include your bio/overview, additional titles (academic appointments), additional location information and website links.

For help editing your profile see Editing your profile

The Faculty Activity Reporting Process

There are 2 main parts to this process the input and the output.

The input involves adding scholarly, professional and teaching activities, and funding sources to myElements. This is done from the Home Tab (top left of page). The output is the report that is created and sent to the department for review. The report is found under the Menu Tab (top left of page). Both tasks need to be completed in order to create a report.

myElements will proactively send email notifications to users regarding publications that have been found based on the profile information.  Users can then log into the application and Accept or Reject the publications found.


Quick Start Guide

The quick start guide will highlight the basics for importing activities and creating and submitting an assessment document.

For more detailed help with


Searching and Claiming publications

Importing citation management file (includes Google Scholar, Zotero, Refworks, Endnote etc)

Adding publications/scholarly activities

Adding professional activities

Adding teaching activities

Adding grant and funding information


Faculty Activity Report

Frequently Asked questions

Need additional help?

Please fill out this myElements webform with as much detail as possible, or contact the Technology Help Desk on your local campus.

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Article ID: 1587
Fri 7/19/19 6:12 PM
Thu 4/4/24 12:39 PM
Applicable Institution(s):
University of New Hampshire (UNH)